Top 5 cycling friendly city around the world

With the lock-down still effective in a lot of parts of the world and the current situation, traveling is not really an option but that does not mean you can not plan your next vacation, if anything you have more time to do that. We know you love riding your bike with and a lot of us like to explore new cities on our bikes with the right cycling apparel, gear and bicycle accessories, it is a completely different experience, an experience that is a bit more intense.

These are the world's best biking cities 

What makes a city a bike-friendly city? Well according to recent studies these factors determine whether a city is cycling-friendly or not:

  • Weather
  • Percentage Bicycle Usage.
  • Crime & Safety
  • Infrastructure
  • Sharing
  • Events
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    So here is a list of the Most Bike-Friendly Cities on the Planet!


    No one should be surprised that Copenhagen is on top of this list. Cycling is a way of life in the Danish capital, more than 62% of the residents commute by bike than by car. Cycling in Copenhagen is a real pleasure, there is a great network of safe cycle paths around the city and you can get anywhere on your bike.

    2. Amsterdam

    In terms of city biking culture, no other city comes close to Amsterdam. There are over 800,000 bicycles in the city, which means there are more bikes than people. Every cyclist dream!

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    In Amsterdam, it is very common to do all your chores and commute on a bike, be it grocery shopping or dropping off your kid at the kindergarten.

    3.Strasbourg, France

    Strasbourg is a great place to bike mainly because the city is breathtaking. A significant amount of the population rides a bicycle but the city wants to double the number of cyclists by 2025, it is investing more in the infrastructure making the city very biker friendly.

    4.Seattle, Washington

    The League of American Bicyclists recently named Washington the No. 1 state for cyclists, giving Seattle a “gold” ranking. Seattle is known among the bikers community for its amazing bicycle network and connectivity. Going around the city with your bike and exploring it is highly encouraged!

    5.Montreal, Canada

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    The beautiful French-Canadian city of Montreal has 435 miles of bike paths making exploring the city on 2 wheels a pleasant experience. Grab your bike and hop on, Montreal awaits!

    Find also bike shops for cycling clothing , bike tour and more. The biking culture here is very strong and keeps growing especially during summertime.

    Cycling through a city gives you another perspective, next time you are in a new place, take a moment to figure out how you can experience it from the saddle!


    • Is there any chance possible possibility that you’ve missed missed placed my shirts those three, the church who is Cycles top with wow bang wallop whatever they are in the post or are they not sent them so waiting for those three cycle tops with comedy actions thank you I might buy some more shirts if those three others come because all my mind about five or six more cycle tops before end of the 2020 runs out thank you

      Michael Gregory
    • I am surprised Vancouver did not make the list

      Yvonne Szeto
    • We need to work to make sure that more of the best bicycling cities are in North America.

      Wayne Weaver

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